European Approaches to United Nations Peacekeeping: Towards a Stronger Re-Engagement?, London: Routledge, 2018 (with Giulia Tercovich).
Palgrave Handbook of Inter-organizational Relations in World Politics (with Rafael Biermann), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (with Norrie MacQueen, Thierry Tardy and Paul D. Williams), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, 950pp.
The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor (with Gjovalin Macaj), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015,
The Responsibility to Protect and the Third Pillar: Legitimacy and Operationalisation (with Daniel Fiott), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
The European Union as an Integrative Power: Assessing the EU's Effective Multilateralism towards NATO and the United Nations, Brussels: VUBPress, 2011, 500pp.
European Approaches to United Nations Peacekeeping: Towards a Stronger Re-Engagement?, London: Routledge, 2018 (with Giulia Tercovich).
Palgrave Handbook of Inter-organizational Relations in World Politics (with Rafael Biermann), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (with Norrie MacQueen, Thierry Tardy and Paul D. Williams), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, 950pp.
The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor (with Gjovalin Macaj), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015,
The Responsibility to Protect and the Third Pillar: Legitimacy and Operationalisation (with Daniel Fiott), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
The European Union as an Integrative Power: Assessing the EU's Effective Multilateralism towards NATO and the United Nations, Brussels: VUBPress, 2011, 500pp.
United Nations Rapid Reaction Mechanisms: Toward a Global Force on Standby?, Contemporary Security Policy, vol. 38, Issue 2, (with Alexandra Novosseloff)
Theorizing Inter-Organizational Relations: The "EU-NATO Relationship" as a Catalytic Case Study, European Security, Vol. 26, Issue 3.
Co-Editor of Special issue: Europe's Return to UN Peacekeeping? Opportunities, Challenges, Ways Ahead, Special Issue for International Peacekeeping, Volume, 23, Issue: 05, pages 597 - 609, (with Giulia Tercovich)
Germany and United Nations Peacekeeping: The Cautiously Evolving Contributor, International Peacekeeping, September 2016.
Introduction: A European Return to UN Peacekeeping? Opportunities, Challenges and Ways Ahead, International Peacekeeping, September 2016 (with Giulia Tercovich)
Das Ende der schnellen VN-Eingreiftruppe: Hintergründe, Lehren, Konsequenzen in : Vereinte Nationen. 1/2011
Effective Inter-organizationalism? Lessons Learned from the Standby High Readiness Brigade for United Nations Operations.
In : Studia Diplomatica. 62, 3, p. 81-90 .
Editor of Special Issue: Military crisis management: The challenge of inter-organizationalism, - Special issue of Studia Diplomatica. 62, 3,
United Nations Rapid Reaction Mechanisms: Toward a Global Force on Standby?, Contemporary Security Policy, vol. 38, Issue 2, (with Alexandra Novosseloff)
Theorizing Inter-Organizational Relations: The "EU-NATO Relationship" as a Catalytic Case Study, European Security, Vol. 26, Issue 3.
Co-Editor of Special issue: Europe's Return to UN Peacekeeping? Opportunities, Challenges, Ways Ahead, Special Issue for International Peacekeeping, Volume, 23, Issue: 05, pages 597 - 609, (with Giulia Tercovich)
Germany and United Nations Peacekeeping: The Cautiously Evolving Contributor, International Peacekeeping, September 2016.
Introduction: A European Return to UN Peacekeeping? Opportunities, Challenges and Ways Ahead, International Peacekeeping, September 2016 (with Giulia Tercovich)
Das Ende der schnellen VN-Eingreiftruppe: Hintergründe, Lehren, Konsequenzen in : Vereinte Nationen. 1/2011
Effective Inter-organizationalism? Lessons Learned from the Standby High Readiness Brigade for United Nations Operations.
In : Studia Diplomatica. 62, 3, p. 81-90 .
Editor of Special Issue: Military crisis management: The challenge of inter-organizationalism, - Special issue of Studia Diplomatica. 62, 3,
United Nations Rapid Reaction Mechanisms: From SHIRBRIG to a UN Vanguard Force, in John Karlsrud and Yf Reykers (Eds.) Multinational Rapid Response Mechanisms: Institutional Proliferation to Institutional Exploitation, New York: Routledge (with Alexandra Novosseloff).
Studying Relations Among International Organizations in World Politics: Concepts and Challenges, in Rafael Biermann and Joachim A. Koops (Eds.) Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations in World Politics, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1 -46.
Inter-organizationalism in International Relations: A Multilevel Framework of Analysis, in Rafael Biermann and Joachim A. Koops (Eds.) Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations in World Politics, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 189 - 216.
Conclusions, in Rafael Biermann and Joachim A. Koops (Eds.) Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations in World Politics, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 677 - 696.
The United Nations' Inter-Organisational Relations in Peacekeping in Koops et al. (eds.) Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press , p. 60-77
United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan (UNMOT) in Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press , p. 492-499
United Nations Aouzou Strip Observer Group (UNASOG) (with Hubertus Juergenliemk) in Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press
United Nations Observer Group in Central America (ONUCA) in Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press , p. 306 - 313 8 p.
The European Union's Relationship with NATO and the OSCE (with Van Willigen, Niels) in Jorgensen, K. E., Aarstad, A. K., Drieskens, E., Laatikainen, K. & Tonra, B. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy, SAGE, p. 736-749
Cold War Peacekeeping 1964 - 1987 (with Macqueen, N., Tardy, T. & Williams, P.) in Oxford Handbook of UN Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford University Press , p. 189-196
Introduction: The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor (with MacAj, G. ) in Koops/Macaj (eds.) The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor , Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 1-10
Introduction: The United Nations and Peacekeeping in Oxford Handbook of UN Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford University Press , p. 1-12
Peacekeeping in the Twentieth Century 1999 - 2013 (with Macqueen, N., Tardy, T. & Williams, P) in Oxford Handbook of UN Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford University Press , p. 607-616
Post-Cold War Peacekeeping 1988 - 1998 (with Macqueen, N., Tardy, T. & Williams, P. ) in Oxford Handbook of UN Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford University Press , p. 261-268
UN Peacekeeping Operations: Early Experiences 1948 - 1963 (with Macqueen, N., Tardy, T. & Williams, P. ) in Oxford Handbook of UN Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford University Press , p. 113-120
Introduction (with Daniel Fiott) in Daniel Fiott and Joachim Koops (eds.) The Responsibility to Protect and the Third Pillar: Legitimacy and Operationalization, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 1-3
Inter-organizational Approaches in K.E. Jorgensen and K.V. Laatikainen (eds. )The Routledge Handbook of Europe and Multilateral Institutions: Performance, Policy, Power, London: Routledge
NATO’s Influence on the Evolution of the European Union as an International Security Actor in Oriol Costa and K.E. Jorgensen (eds.) The Influence of International Institutions on the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan
The European Union's Relations with Core International Organizations: The Track-Record So Far in The State of the Union(s): The Eurozone Crisis, Comparative Regional Integration and the EU Model. University of Miami European Centre of Excellence
Inconvenient multilateralism. The challenges of the EU as a player in the United Nations Human Rights Council (with Gjovalin Macaj) in Jan Wetzel (ed.) The EU as a "Global Player" in Human Rights. London: Routledge, p. 66-82 248 p. (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law)
Unstrategic Partners: NATO and the European Union in Entangling Alliance: 60 Jahre NATO. Kremp, W. & Meyer, B. (eds.)
The European Union and NATO: 'Shrewd Interorganizationalism' in the Making? (with Johannes Varwick) The European Union and International Organizations, 1st Edition. Jørgensen, K. E. (ed.). Routledge, p. 101-130
Exporting Stability or Importing Instability? The European Union at the Crossroads (with Johannes Varwick) in European Neighbourhood Policy: Challenges for the EU-Policy towards the New Neighbours. Varwick, J. & Olaf Lang, K. (eds.). Barbara Budrich Publishers, p. 141-158
United Nations Rapid Reaction Mechanisms: From SHIRBRIG to a UN Vanguard Force, in John Karlsrud and Yf Reykers (Eds.) Multinational Rapid Response Mechanisms: Institutional Proliferation to Institutional Exploitation, New York: Routledge (with Alexandra Novosseloff).
Studying Relations Among International Organizations in World Politics: Concepts and Challenges, in Rafael Biermann and Joachim A. Koops (Eds.) Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations in World Politics, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1 -46.
Inter-organizationalism in International Relations: A Multilevel Framework of Analysis, in Rafael Biermann and Joachim A. Koops (Eds.) Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations in World Politics, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 189 - 216.
Conclusions, in Rafael Biermann and Joachim A. Koops (Eds.) Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations in World Politics, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 677 - 696.
The United Nations' Inter-Organisational Relations in Peacekeping in Koops et al. (eds.) Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press , p. 60-77
United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan (UNMOT) in Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press , p. 492-499
United Nations Aouzou Strip Observer Group (UNASOG) (with Hubertus Juergenliemk) in Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press
United Nations Observer Group in Central America (ONUCA) in Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press , p. 306 - 313 8 p.
The European Union's Relationship with NATO and the OSCE (with Van Willigen, Niels) in Jorgensen, K. E., Aarstad, A. K., Drieskens, E., Laatikainen, K. & Tonra, B. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy, SAGE, p. 736-749
Cold War Peacekeeping 1964 - 1987 (with Macqueen, N., Tardy, T. & Williams, P.) in Oxford Handbook of UN Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford University Press , p. 189-196
Introduction: The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor (with MacAj, G. ) in Koops/Macaj (eds.) The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor , Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 1-10
Introduction: The United Nations and Peacekeeping in Oxford Handbook of UN Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford University Press , p. 1-12
Peacekeeping in the Twentieth Century 1999 - 2013 (with Macqueen, N., Tardy, T. & Williams, P) in Oxford Handbook of UN Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford University Press , p. 607-616
Post-Cold War Peacekeeping 1988 - 1998 (with Macqueen, N., Tardy, T. & Williams, P. ) in Oxford Handbook of UN Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford University Press , p. 261-268
UN Peacekeeping Operations: Early Experiences 1948 - 1963 (with Macqueen, N., Tardy, T. & Williams, P. ) in Oxford Handbook of UN Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford University Press , p. 113-120
Introduction (with Daniel Fiott) in Daniel Fiott and Joachim Koops (eds.) The Responsibility to Protect and the Third Pillar: Legitimacy and Operationalization, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 1-3
Inter-organizational Approaches in K.E. Jorgensen and K.V. Laatikainen (eds. )The Routledge Handbook of Europe and Multilateral Institutions: Performance, Policy, Power, London: Routledge
NATO’s Influence on the Evolution of the European Union as an International Security Actor in Oriol Costa and K.E. Jorgensen (eds.) The Influence of International Institutions on the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan
The European Union's Relations with Core International Organizations: The Track-Record So Far in The State of the Union(s): The Eurozone Crisis, Comparative Regional Integration and the EU Model. University of Miami European Centre of Excellence
Inconvenient multilateralism. The challenges of the EU as a player in the United Nations Human Rights Council (with Gjovalin Macaj) in Jan Wetzel (ed.) The EU as a "Global Player" in Human Rights. London: Routledge, p. 66-82 248 p. (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law)
Unstrategic Partners: NATO and the European Union in Entangling Alliance: 60 Jahre NATO. Kremp, W. & Meyer, B. (eds.)
The European Union and NATO: 'Shrewd Interorganizationalism' in the Making? (with Johannes Varwick) The European Union and International Organizations, 1st Edition. Jørgensen, K. E. (ed.). Routledge, p. 101-130
Exporting Stability or Importing Instability? The European Union at the Crossroads (with Johannes Varwick) in European Neighbourhood Policy: Challenges for the EU-Policy towards the New Neighbours. Varwick, J. & Olaf Lang, K. (eds.). Barbara Budrich Publishers, p. 141-158