Research and Publications in European and Global Affairs
My research interests are at the intersection of regional and International Organisations, Global Governance and -in particular- Global Security Governance. Within these broad themes, I have so far focused in particular on Inter-Organisational Relations (theorising inter-organisational relations; the European Union's Relations with Major International Organisations, particularly EU-NATO, EU-IMF and EU-UN relations; the United Nations' relations with other organisations in the field of peacekeeping and peacebuilding, inter-organisational approaches to global governance), the European Union as an International Actor (with particular focus on EU Diplomacy, security, CSFP, CSDP and crisis management) and United Nations Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (with emphasis on the history and future performance of peacekeeping and European approaches to UN Peacekeeping).
My research interests are at the intersection of regional and International Organisations, Global Governance and -in particular- Global Security Governance. Within these broad themes, I have so far focused in particular on Inter-Organisational Relations (theorising inter-organisational relations; the European Union's Relations with Major International Organisations, particularly EU-NATO, EU-IMF and EU-UN relations; the United Nations' relations with other organisations in the field of peacekeeping and peacebuilding, inter-organisational approaches to global governance), the European Union as an International Actor (with particular focus on EU Diplomacy, security, CSFP, CSDP and crisis management) and United Nations Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (with emphasis on the history and future performance of peacekeeping and European approaches to UN Peacekeeping).
Current Research Projects
European Leadership in Cultural, Scientific and Innovation Diplomacy In March 2016, a team of IES and Vesalius College researchers (led by Luk Van Langenhove in cooperation with Richard Higgott, Caterina Carta, Georgios Terzis and Joachim Koops) received a H2020 grant from the European Commission to examine Europe's role in Cultural, Scientific and Innovation Diplomacy. MORE.
(for a full list of my publications, please click Here)
Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (co-edited with Norrie MacQueen, Thierry Tardy and Paul D. Williams, Oxford University Press, 2015)
"The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations provides an innovative, authoritative, and accessible examination and critique of all 67 United Nations peacekeeping operations launched between 1948 and 2013. l Since the late 1940s, but particularly since the end of the cold war, peacekeeping has been the most visible and one of the most important activities of the United Nations and a significant part of global security governance and conflict management. The volume offers a chapter-by-chapter chronological analysis, designed to provide a comprehensive overview that highlights the evolution, changing nature and overall impact of UN peacekeeping. It also includes a collection of thematic chapters that examine key issues such as major trends of peace operations, the link between peacekeeping, humanitarian interventions and the responsibility to protect, peacekeeping and international law, the UN's inter-organizational partnerships and how to evaluate success or failure. l This handbook brings together leading scholars and senior practitioners in order to provide a comprehensive assessment of the successes, failures and lessons learned of UN peacekeeping since 1948. This is a unique reference book for scholars and practitioners working in the field of international relations, international security, peacekeeping and global governance." (From the Publisher's Website).
"In The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, editors Joachim A. Koops, Norrie MacQueen, Thierry Tardy and Paul D. Williams offer a major reference work that provides factual details and evaluations of each UN peacekeeping operation deployed up to 2013. Comprised of seventy-two chapters and over nine hundred pages in length, this is an invaluable study for scholars interested in the history and outcomes of peacekeeping...[...]...This volume will be a much welcome addition to any library on the United Nations or related subjects. It will be of enormous use to scholars engaged in the study of peacekeeping, whether their perspectives are grounded in the disciplines of international law, international relations or defence studies, amongst others. It is eminently accessible while not neglecting to afford attention to some of the more difficult issues to have arisen in the context of UN peacekeeping. It serves two key objectives for the interested scholar in simultaneously providing critical analysis of some of the major themes and controversies inherent in UN peacekeeping practices, while also constituting a major source of reference for factual details of every operation to have been deployed over a period of 65 years. No reputable library should be without a copy"
- Gary Wilson, LSE Review of Books, full review available here.
"The most surprising achievement of the book is that readers can put together the important facts concerning a particular peacekeeping operation and form their own opinions as to a mission’s viability. This is undoubtedly because of the consistent structure of the book, the matter-of-fact language of the authors, the detailed descriptions and the close reference to UN documents. In their introduction, the editors state: '[A]nyone interested in the international politics of conflict resolution and the dynamics of international peace and security more generally needs to understand the politics, practice, and impact of UN peacekeeping.' With this handbook, the editors and writers have made an important contribution to promote such an understanding among the UN member states."
- Helmut Volger, PassBlue, full review is available here.
"All in all this is a unique, well-written and comprehensive reference book for scholars and practitioners alike."
- Ulf Engel - review in H-Soz Kult, full review available here.
"The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations provides an innovative, authoritative, and accessible examination and critique of all 67 United Nations peacekeeping operations launched between 1948 and 2013. l Since the late 1940s, but particularly since the end of the cold war, peacekeeping has been the most visible and one of the most important activities of the United Nations and a significant part of global security governance and conflict management. The volume offers a chapter-by-chapter chronological analysis, designed to provide a comprehensive overview that highlights the evolution, changing nature and overall impact of UN peacekeeping. It also includes a collection of thematic chapters that examine key issues such as major trends of peace operations, the link between peacekeeping, humanitarian interventions and the responsibility to protect, peacekeeping and international law, the UN's inter-organizational partnerships and how to evaluate success or failure. l This handbook brings together leading scholars and senior practitioners in order to provide a comprehensive assessment of the successes, failures and lessons learned of UN peacekeeping since 1948. This is a unique reference book for scholars and practitioners working in the field of international relations, international security, peacekeeping and global governance." (From the Publisher's Website).
"In The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, editors Joachim A. Koops, Norrie MacQueen, Thierry Tardy and Paul D. Williams offer a major reference work that provides factual details and evaluations of each UN peacekeeping operation deployed up to 2013. Comprised of seventy-two chapters and over nine hundred pages in length, this is an invaluable study for scholars interested in the history and outcomes of peacekeeping...[...]...This volume will be a much welcome addition to any library on the United Nations or related subjects. It will be of enormous use to scholars engaged in the study of peacekeeping, whether their perspectives are grounded in the disciplines of international law, international relations or defence studies, amongst others. It is eminently accessible while not neglecting to afford attention to some of the more difficult issues to have arisen in the context of UN peacekeeping. It serves two key objectives for the interested scholar in simultaneously providing critical analysis of some of the major themes and controversies inherent in UN peacekeeping practices, while also constituting a major source of reference for factual details of every operation to have been deployed over a period of 65 years. No reputable library should be without a copy"
- Gary Wilson, LSE Review of Books, full review available here.
"The most surprising achievement of the book is that readers can put together the important facts concerning a particular peacekeeping operation and form their own opinions as to a mission’s viability. This is undoubtedly because of the consistent structure of the book, the matter-of-fact language of the authors, the detailed descriptions and the close reference to UN documents. In their introduction, the editors state: '[A]nyone interested in the international politics of conflict resolution and the dynamics of international peace and security more generally needs to understand the politics, practice, and impact of UN peacekeeping.' With this handbook, the editors and writers have made an important contribution to promote such an understanding among the UN member states."
- Helmut Volger, PassBlue, full review is available here.
"All in all this is a unique, well-written and comprehensive reference book for scholars and practitioners alike."
- Ulf Engel - review in H-Soz Kult, full review available here.